Corporate Overview

Corporate Overview

Betzazu Private Limited Company is also owned by a renowned self-made investor,
Ato Gobezayehu Zerihun. The outermost objective of Betzazu PLC is establishing
integrated steel manufacturing industries that range from foundry to galvanized steel

Betzazu PLC owns 50,000 m2 plot of land in Oromia region State, Sheger City Gelan
Subcity where all the production processes shall take place. In the compound there
are 4 blocks of buildings that are built to accommodate heavy duty machineries to
serve as a manufacturing facility. In addition, there is one apartment building to
serve as a living area for professional employees.

Betezazu PLC is contributed its share towards glomming of the massive industry, to
support the construction industry and to assists the realization of growth potential
through the provision of best quality construction materials and supporting the other
industries via supplying auxiliary tools, by using the state-of-the-art machinery and
motivated and well-trained staff, thereby making good returns to all stakeholders.
Betezazu Plastic Industry is a newly established plastic manufacturing factory aiming
is to be one of the leading engineered plastic manufacturers in Ethiopia.

Some of our products are designed to be used fully as packaging input for chemical,
paint & coatings industries. Other specially designed plastic products are also use
as an input for construction industries in their day to day construction process.

One of our company established vision is to substitute old fashioned way of
construction input using system with modern, cost efficient and time saving
technologies or products.

Therefore, our engineered plastic products like BET BOOT & RE BAR SPACER that
we are producing now are some of the items that can realize the company’s vision.

